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There are currently 4 names in this directory beginning with the letter O.
OBVI: Office for the Blind and Visually Impaired

ODHH: Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

OHI: Other Health Impairment

A classification in Special Education: "Other health impairment means having limited strength, vitality or alertness, due to chronic or acute health problems. The term includes but is not limited to a heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, nephritis, asthma, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning, leukemia, diabetes, or acquired injuries to the brain caused by internal occurrences or degenerative conditions, which adversely affects a child's educational performance. "

OT: Occupational Therapist

OTA: Occupational Therapy Assistant

Other glossaries and definitions of terms are available at:

Wisconsin’s Department of Children and Families has a list of Acronyms and Definitions for Early Childhood here.

A list of insurance-related definitions can be found here

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