The Northern Regional Center and its Network Partners provide a variety of support and services to medical providers.
- Wisconsin Medical Home Initiative
- Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin – Dental Resources
- Health Transition Wisconsin – Health Professionals
- Coding and Reimbursement Tip Sheet for Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care
- Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition 2.0
- Wisconsin Birth Defect Registry
- Well-Visit Planner
- AASPIRE – Autism Toolkit for Providers
- Charles E. Kubly Child Psychiatry Consultation Program
- The Patient at Risk Program
- Webinar Series: Reducing Toxic Stress and Increasing Resilience in Wisconsin’s Young Children (Scroll down to see the listing)
Referral Forms
Physicians and WIC providers can make direct referrals using these forms.:
Development Screening and Pediatric Mental Health Screening Tools
The Wisconsin Medical Home Initiative offers education for physicians, their care teams, and families on medical home topics. Outreach is guided by policy statements or clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Developmental Screening within Well-Child Care*
This 60-minute session, based on the AAP policy statement on developmental screening (2006) is delivered onsite at your clinic and is designed to promote the early identification of and timely referral for children with delays. Clinicians learn about and receive copies of a validated developmental screening tool, Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3, and a validated autism-specific screening instrument, Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised with Follow-Up. In addition, community partners serving children with delays and their families will share information about their programs.
Pediatric Mental Health Screening Tools*
Based upon the AAP’s Mental Health Toolkit (2010) and the AAP policy statement on behavioral health integration into pediatric primary care (2009), this educational opportunity is designed to support primary care clinicians in behavioral health provision. This one-hour module reviews AAP recommendations on pediatric mental health screening and some of the supporting literature. Clinicians learn about two mental health screening tools and are provided with copies of each: Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional-Second Edition, and Pediatric Symptom Checklist-17. A clinic-specific list of resources is shared.
*The Medical College of Wisconsin designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.0
AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ for physicians and nurse practitioners.
For more information or to arrange training at your site, email or visit
Child Psychiatry Consultation Program for Primary Care Physicians
Wisconsin Child Psychiatry Consultation Program ( CPCP exists to increase primary care clinicians’ capacity to support mental and behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and their families in their care.
Services we provide:
- Availability of case consultation with a child psychiatrist, psychologist, and resource coordinators through email and phone contact
- Mental and behavioral health education for primary care providers
- Ensure a referral support system for pediatric patients to other mental health professionals and community resources