Mental Health and Behavioral Health Resources


  • WI Family TIES  is a parent-led organization providing support to families of children with emotional and behavioral challenges. They coordinate the annual Children Come First Conference as well as supports Parent Peer Specialists throughout the state. 
  • Wisconsin’s Office of Children’s Mental Health has helpful information and guides for families
  • Resilient Wisconsin brings together the latest evidence-based tools and trauma-informed practices. So that people living with or affected by trauma or toxic stress—and the health services professionals and programs that serve them—can find the support and resources they need.  

Programs Available

  • Comprehensive Community Services is a program for both youth and adults that provides case management, training, and many other psychological support services. Youth receiving CCS will be assisted by their CCS Facilitator to transition to adult programs. Information on what counties offer CCS and who to contact is here.
  • Community Services Team (CST) is a program only offered to children so connect with your child’s case manager to see what adult programs would be a good fit if you are enrolled. More information on CST and local contacts can be found here.

Finding a Provider

Child Psychiatry Consultation Program

Wisconsin Child Psychiatry Consultation Program ( CPCP exists to increase primary care clinicians’ capacity to support mental and behavioral health needs of children, adolescents, and their families in their care. Are you a practicing manager of a busy office looking for free mental and behavioral health management support for your clinic PCPs? If so, you are eligible for the CPCP. Please fill out the CPCP Interest to Enroll Survey: and someone will contact you.  CPCP Fact Sheet (.pdf)

Services we provide:

  • Availability of case consultation with a child psychiatrist, psychologist, and resource coordinators through email and phone contact
  • Mental and behavioral health education for primary care providers
  • Ensure a referral support system for pediatric patients to other mental health professionals and community resources

If you would like more, please contact the Clinical Program Coordinator, Sara Herr at: or call 414-266-2916.

National/State Resources