New Statewide Special Education Phone Support Line for Families and Educators
Do you need someone to guide you or the families you support in navigating special education and partnering with schools in the IEP process and special education? Are you the parent of a child with a disability? Are you looking for resources or have questions about special education? WSPEI (Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative) is a great source of information and support for families and school districts! Please call the WSPEI Statewide Phone Support hotline. The family information and support specialist is an initial point of contact, conducts the initial triage needed for families and others that have questions and concerns regarding special education and WSPEI. They make referrals, give resources and contact information, and continue with follow up support to the individual. This person also make referrals to the WSPEI regional coordinators for families that need more regional specific support and resources.
To connect with WSPEI statewide phone support specialist, call 833 “US-WSPEI” or 833-879-7734 or email WSPEI at For more information, connect to our WSPEI Website:
Statewide Resources
WI FACETS: Provides individuals assistance and leadership development for families. Their website has archives on webinars on a variety of special education and related topics.
DPI Special Education website:
National Best Practices
From Early Childhood to Special Education: What is the difference between an IEP and an IFSP? Fact Sheet from Pacer Center-