Starting Points

Who does what? There is a lot of information on this website and we want to help you get the information you need. But we also know there are some great resources out there that go beyond what we do. For specific questions 

What do all these words mean? 

  • When trying to navigate different systems  We have a glossary that can help with the alphabet soup of Acronyms and jargon 

Accessing Services and Supports

Family Support

  • Parent 2 Parent of Wisconsin provides one-to-one connections for parents new to having a child with special needs, experiencing a time of stress or simply seeking support, resources and information with another parent who has been there.
  • Family Voices of Wisconsin is a statewide non-profit organization focused on supporting the voice of families in decision-making, leadership and systems change roles. Family Voices provides information, training, and support around health care and community services to families and supports essential partnerships between families and professionals. Family Voices training series “Did You Know? Now You Know!” is offered statewide.

School Concerns

  • WSPEI Wisconsin’s Statewide Parent Educator Initiative creates partnerships between local schools and families. Some school districts have Parent Liaisons that can assist families as well.
  • WI FACETS offers a help desk to assist with questions about the IEP process and special education. They also have a series of great webinars that are archived:

Finding information to obtain a Diagnosis or finding a specialist

  • CDC Act Early – from birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern. Act Early Wisconsin aims to educate parents and professionals about healthy childhood development, early warning signs of autism and other developmental disorders, the importance of routine developmental screening, and timely early intervention whenever there is a concern.
  • We maintain a list of clinics that complete evaluations for diagnosis like Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities and others as well as help you find places that are covered by your insurance. Use the form on our Contact Us page to connect. 

Navigation Guide: Finding Your Way

A navigation guide for Wisconsin families who have children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities. This 56-page .pdf file includes a range of information from ‘Taking Care of Your Health & Family” to “Learning About Education” and “Paying For What You Need”. Available in English and Spanish

Finding Providers and Services

The Well Badger Resource Center helps connect women, pregnant women, families, adolescents, children, and health professionals with health care services and resources throughout the state. Well Badger specializes in referrals for children and youth with special health care needs and those with developmental disabilities and delays. It provides referrals for women and children in WIC, BadgerCare Plus, and the Wisconsin Well Woman Program.

Well Badger Information & Referral Specialists are here to listen and help.
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
*Closed on public holidays
Text: (608) 360-9328