Health Transition- from Child to Adult Health Systems

Join us for a free presentation and conversation to help guide families through the transition from child centered to adult health systems. Youth and families are often overwhelmed and under-prepared for the transition to adult health care. This presentation will introduce and discuss when to start thinking about transition as well as provide helpful tools and resources.

Monday, October 21, 2024

5:30-7:00 PM


As a result of participating in this presentation, we hope you will:

  • Understand what youth health care transition is and why it is
  • Identify activities in daily life where transition
  • Apply tools and resources to take an active role in the health care transition
  • Learn how to start a health transition action

This session is open to families/caregivers as well as professionals.

RSVPs are appreciated so we can also send you more information and a calendar appointment

Bridging the Gap Fall 2024 virtual

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